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Data analysis service

Even the smartest organisations can struggle to turn raw data into meaningful insights. Our Utility Data Analysis Service allows utilities to fully augment their analytics capabilities.

Thanks to dramatic improvements in both data capture and AI and machine learning (ML) technologies, utilities can now access richer and more detailed information than ever before. Many have also invested heavily in the skillsets and capabilities needed to interpret that data and drive more business insights. However, faced with today’s GDPR regulations, a range of different systems and standards, and with potentially incomplete or unreliable data, the true value of that investment often goes unrealised.

Resource constraints can have a significant impact. Data analysts can find their time stretched across different projects, and without the remit to address gaps in data collection, the creation of strategic insights can be fundamentally hindered from the start.

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Analytics expertise when you need it

Our Utility Data Analysis Service has been designed from the ground up to provide the right level of support – from fully-outsourced collection and analytics, through to point solutions that tackle specific problems.

Tap into our extensive industry expertise, AI/ML capabilities and shared service platform to bring insights to life, better understand asset performance and make informed decisions about future priorities.

Our Utility Data Analysis Service offers:

  • The opportunity to free up high-value internal resource – ensuring time is spent developing strategic responses to the insight, rather than collating and analysing it
  • Benchmarking functionality that allows you to compare your performance against others using both proprietary and third-party data
  • Accurate and rapid water balance calculations, gas pressure optimisation and low voltage (LV) network management
  • The ability to identify and prioritise gaps in your connectivity network – addressing data collection issues through our wider Hybrid Connectivity service and Sensors as at Service

To learn more about the Utility Data Analysis Service and how it could augment your existing data analytics capabilities, get in touch.

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